A hymn sing from the hymnals used in the history of the synod.
Presenter: Carl Nolte
This presentation will briefly look at the history behind some of the great hymns in our Lutheran hymnals over the past 175 years. We will sing many of our beloved Lutheran hymns from hymnals that include the following:
- Evang.-Lutherisches Gesangbuch (1870)
- Church Hymnal for Lutheran Services (1911)
- Book of Hymns (1916)
- The Lutheran Hymnal (1941)
- Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal (1993)
- Christian Worship (2021)
Join us as we gather together to sing our historic hymns using the refurbished reed organ at the Salem Landmark Church and WELS Museum.
The presenter is the retired Sacred Music and Worship Editor from Northwestern Publishing House. He served for a number of years on the WELS Commission on Worship, including the 1993 hymnal committee. He is a graduate of DMLC, New Ulm, MN, and also has a masters in church music degree from Concordia, River Forest, IL.