Photo gallery
Historic People

Professor Gerhard Ruediger

Professor Joh. Ph. Koehler

Professor August Pieper

E.W.A. Notz

August Graebner

Pastor Adolph Hoenecke

WELS Pastor Adolph Hoenecke

C.F.W. Walther

Philipp Koehler

Faculty 1960s

Library Missions

Professor Carl Lawrenz

Joh. Ph. Koehler

Koehler Joh Ph painting

Wauwautosa Students 1914

Wauwatosa Faculty 1917

Wauwatosa Faculty 1928

Seminary class of 1896

Michigan Synod Leaders

Concordia 1880

Concordia 1879

Concordia 1881

WLS Band

Professor Joh. Ph. Kohler

WELS Professor Paul Ottow Wendlend

WELS Professor Armin J. Panning

WELS Professor Armin Schuetze

Professor Carl Lawrenz

Professor Edmund ReimReim

WELS Professor John P. Meyer

WELS Professor August Pieper

WELS Professor John Philipp Koehler

WELS Professor Eduard Moldehnke

WELS Prof John Schaller

1908-1933 WELS President Gustav E. Bergemann

1865-1867 WELS President Wilhelm Streissguth

1864-1865 WELS President Gottlieb Reim

1850-1860 WELS President Johannes Muehlhaeuser

1860-1864 and 1867-1889 WELS President John Bading

1889-1908 WELS President Philip von Rohr

1933-1953 WELS President John Brenner

2007-present WELS President Mark G. Schroeder

1993-2007 WELS President Karl R. Gurgel

1979-1993 WELS President Carl Mischke

1953-1979 WELS President Oscar J. Naumann

Seminary Organ

Northwestern Faculty 1925

WHI Journal Issue Number 1

Koehler Joh Ph Sketch

Ray Weichmann on left pictured here with Edgar Hoenecke became the first District President of the South Atlantic District

First Three Pastors In Florida

Oscar Naumann

President Gustave Bergemann

Adolph Hoenecke served as the director of the Seminary from 1866-1870, 1878-1908

Thumbnail of C.F.W. Walther

1860 J.C.H.Heyer, the first president of the Minnesota Synod

1863-1865 Pastor Eduard (Edward) Moldehnke first professor and director of the seminary

1860 Johannes Bading the second president of the Wisconsin Synod.

Pastor Beer

Photo Close up August Zernicke HI

August Pieper – author

Walter Beckmann first district president of the North Atlantic District

First officers of the Arizona California District


Easter Services 1943 Alexandria, LA where there was a large military camp.

Missionaries with Japanese Christians

Those in attendance for the Cornerstone Laying service at the new Seminary


President Philipp von Rohr

1837 Johannes Muehlhaeuser

WLS class of 1971

WLS class of 1981


Groundbreaking for the new library at WLS



